Sunday, April 19, 2009


Welcome to the new Ma and Pa Films Website. Thank you for taking the time to peruse the site and check out our work. We welcome your questions and comments. This site was designed by the talented Seth Holtgrewe ( Seth also designed the site for our film "The Watershed," (

We are very excited that our film "The Watershed" is now available for purchase on and on iTunes. Please go to the "Store" page on this site for the direct links. Thank you to everyone who helped us and supported us on this film. There were so many of you and we are very grateful.

In other news "The Watershed" is also one of the first features now live in the new youtube features category. Just click on the link below. The beautiful soundtrack on this film was composed by Rich West, Roland Kniese, David Knowles and Ron Rennells. To hear more of their work please click on collaborators on the "About Us" page on this site and you will see their contact information.

Caren McCaleb is also one of our fabulous collaborators and recently edited "Plain Art" and the Arroyo Arts Collective video. More info on Caren is also under collaborators.


  1. This is great Mary and Paul. I love the house logo, works well with the company name, spirit of what you do, etc. I wish you the best on everything. All you touch turns to gold!
    Phil Stahl, Fargo.

  2. I love the photography! I wonder who is behind the camera? The site is all together great and I know it will bring good luck and fortune

    -Love your favorite cousin,


  3. It's good to know I can come here anytime for a refreshing dose of Ma and Pa.
    Very impressive site, mazel tov!
    And I'm very honored to be listed as a collaborator!
    Although I'm having trouble remembering what I did exactly, if anything.
    I also love the photos, especially the water ones and particularly the person with the tie waist-deep in the Sea of Reeds.
    The trailers are all really well-done. I even learned a few things about Suzuki teaching. Or maybe re-learned something I forgot...Which reminds me, did I ever send you my Guide to practicing?
    My once-formidable memory is in tatters these days.
    You two (three, counting Nuala) are a force of nature.

  4. I forgot (my fugal memory again) to add that Wallace Stevens is my favorite modern poet
