Tuesday, May 1, 2012


Dear Lost In Living Friends,

Spring is settling in. Some days reaching 90 degrees and other days dropping down to 65. Much like producing a film! The ups and downs are frequent but when you feel as strongly as I do that this film is working, you keep at it. Editing is steadily progressing. Lost in Living is becoming a funny and poignant movie. A movie that will resonate with anyone who has ever had to confront the contradictions inherent in personal ambition, female friendship, mental isolation, big projects and dirty dishes.

The stories and themes are settling into a rhythm and the connections are exciting and riveting. That’s the up side of things. I am convinced now more than ever that this will be a very compelling film. And your support is helping it get there.

On the down side of things – a better description would be challenge– is the need to raise more funds. This film started out with close to seven years worth of footage. Hundreds of hours. Whittling all of that down takes time and editing is a long process.

We have an experienced and committed editor who feels passionate about this film and we need her for at least two more months. We have also recruited an amazing and talented composer. Although both of these artists are working at discounted rates we still need help paying their fees.

So we are going to have a Mega Yard Sale on Saturday, June 2nd and Sunday, June 3rd!!!

I am asking everyone I know if they have anything they want to get rid of that we can sell to support Lost In Living. We’ll take clothes, furniture, books, antiques, knick knacks, pictures, jewelry, artwork, photos, kitchen ware, toys, etc. This is a unique opportunity for you to clean out your closets, garages and drawers and support the film. And whatever doesn’t sell we will donate to Goodwill or a local charity. And your name will appear in the closing credits of the film!

How it will work:

• Email me (marytrunk@sbcglobal.net) directly here with a general list of what you’d like to donate.

• I will email you or call you to schedule a specific pick-up time sometime during the weekend before the sale.

• We will pick-up the items the weekend before the actual sale. Saturday, May 26 and Sunday, May 27.

• Sale on Saturday, June 2nd and Sunday, June 3rd in my driveway.

• If you don’t live in the area and you want to ship items for us to sell, please send to my address: 1218 E. Palm Street, Altadena, CA 91001.

I am so grateful for your help and participation. Please feel free to pass along this information to anyone else who might be interested.

And if you want to see more clips from the film, please visit the youtube channel here. To like the facebook page please go here.  To contribute directly to the film please visit the website here.

With heartfelt thanks,

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